A Summer in Review, Instagram Style.

Hello friends,

It really has been a whole summer since I wrote anything here. It’s no secret that blogging is not my favorite, but I probably should write more than once a quarter.

A lot has happened since my last post. I thought I would write the update with lots of pictures and as few words as possible. I like pictures better anyway. I’ll let Instagram tell the story.

goldilocks princess snowflakes

The beginning of the summer is always marked by the completion of our ballet year. Three of my girls danced in an original, full length ballet called The Princesses  Wish. They were so beautiful and did an amazing job.


bath before bath after

We updated the girls’ bathroom. It was so gross before.


ethiopia soddo

korah hill

Hubs and I went to Ethiopia!! I can’t even express the beauty of the land and the people. So many of them have nothing and are much more content than we Americans are. We visited a village called Korah that is next to a trash dump. The people live in shacks made of sheet metal and some were mud huts. They ‘forage’ at the dump for food. There is much disease in this village. If you’d like to know more about Korah, you can visit this website. We also visited an orphanage and a hospital. There is so much need. I can’t begin to describe it.



We came back home just in time to celebrate the 4th of July with my family.


boxes  sold

We put our house on the market and started packing. We sold it in a little less than two weeks.



I broke up with Candy Crush. We were just spending too much time together. There was packing and cleaning to do.


first day

My girls all started school, two of which are in high school.



Hubs turned 40. Isn’t he a cute 40?




I  got back together with Candy Crush. It makes me think of the Lady Antebellum song, Need You Now. I lost all control.


sandi kitchen

We moved. Last Saturday. We are living in chaos. It’ll all settle down over the next couple of weeks, right?

So there you have it. An IG summer.  You can find me on Instagram here.

I hope you all have a fantastic day. I’m off to unpack. More.


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